Conflict of Interest Policy
Conflict of Interest Statement for Board Members
No board member or board committee member, or any member of his/her family should accept any gift, entertainment, service, loan, or promise of future benefits from any person who either personally or whose employees might benefit or appear to benefit from such board or committee member’s connection with the Wylie ISD Education Foundation, unless the facts of such benefit, gift, service, or loan are disclosed in good faith and are authorized by the Board of Directors. Board and committee members are expected to work out for themselves the most gracious method of declining gifts, entertainment, and benefits that do not meet this standard.
No board or committee member should perform, for any personal gain, services to any Wylie ISD Education Foundation supplier of goods or services, as employee, consultant, or in any other capacity which promises compensation of any kind, unless the fact of such transaction or contracts are disclosed in good faith, and the board or committee authorizes such a transaction. Similar association by a family member of the board or committee member or by any other close relative may be inappropriate. Foundation Board Members who have relatives employed by Wylie ISD must excuse themselves from approving grants. Foundation Board of Directors who have relatives or close relations to any students eligible for scholarship must excuse themselves from approving scholarships.
No board or committee member or any member of his/her family should have any beneficial interest in, or substantial obligation to any Wylie ISD Education Foundation supplier of goods or services or any other organization that is engaged in doing business with or serving Wylie ISD Education Foundation unless it has been determined by the Board of Directors, on the basis of full disclosure of facts, that such interest does not give rise to a conflict of interest.
This policy statement is not intended to apply to gifts and/or similar entertainment of nominal value that clearly are in keeping with good business ethics and do not obligate the recipient, rather it is the obligation of a board member to disclose receipt of a gift valued at $100 or more. Any matter of question or interpretation that arises relating to this policy should be referred to the president for decision and/or for referral to the board of directors for decision, where appropriate. I have received and read the foregoing policy statement (Conflict of Interest Statement) and understand fully the facts requiring any possible question of violation.
Statement of Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest for Grant and Scholarship Review Committee Members:
Confidentiality: Information contained in student scholarship application forms, essays and letters of recommendation must be maintained in a confidential manner at all times. As a member of a scholarship review committee who has access to the above information, you are required to maintain this information in a confidential manner. The unauthorized modification, deletion, or disclosure of information contained within these documents may compromise the integrity of the volunteer committee structure, the Wylie ISD Education Foundation (WEF) and its programs, and otherwise violate individual rights of privacy. Distribution and/or reproduction of any application forms, essays, or letters of recommendation outside the intended and approved use is strictly prohibited.
All application forms, essays and letters of recommendation shall be returned to the WEF or its representative following the final meeting of the scholarship selection committee. The content of grant applications is also confidential. It is critical that no grant application reviewer participate in a review of any grant application where a conflict of interest exists or may exist.
Conflict of Interest: If you are related to any of the applicants (spouse, child, step-child, grandchild, step-grandchild, sister or brother), we ask that you not participate on the committee during the year in question. If you know any of the applicants you shall inform the committee and it will be at the discretion of the committee as to whether you should participate in the selection discussion and/or vote on that particular applicant. Donors and their immediate families (spouse, child, step-child, grandchild, step-grandchild, sister or brother) are not eligible for assistance from the scholarship for which they are the primary donor or for whom the fund is named. I have read and understand the conditions for participation on the Grant Review and/or Scholarship Selection Committee. I agree to abide by all the above conditions during my term of service on the committee. In addition I will respect the privacy of all applicants whose applications I read during my term of service and into the future.